Social media and eating disorders?

Social media and eating disorder
Social media and eating disorder

In this short blog, we will discuss “Social media and eating disorders”.Nowadays social media has a very vital role in our lives, we are almost fully dependent on social media platforms for our daily lives, this era is a time of social media as we are happier in sharing things on social media related to our lives and also interested to see things the other person is showing about themselves.

Social media and eating disorders

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Social media is a  good communication tool and changed our way of communication and engagement with each other, social media helps people to connect and communicate with each other anywhere any time, and anyone we wish to.

We continuously indulge in social media platforms to follow our ideals, celebrities, films, and fashion designers. All this affects teenage boys and girls who think this is the ideal lifestyle of living, and teen make a perception of the ideal body shape skin and try to make their appearance according to the as shown in social media, not only teen the social media has an impact on adult people also.

As we see in our surroundings weight is considered an ugly body image everyone praises a slim body shape all this is a beauty standard considered by our society and we see it in social media.

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The media has lots of good impacts on our lives, but it depends on the person how he or she wants to use social media and the extent of good or bad impact on a person.

Studies have shown that social media impact increases the incidence of eating disorders more in women than men. The prevalence rate of eating disorders among girls aged 15 to 19 years old is Anorexia nervosa eating disorder.

Social media and eating disorders
eating disorder Anorexia nervosa

In Anorexia nervosa person has an intense fear of gaining weight, in this fear, the person lowers the intake of daily calories, takes a low amount of food, or sometimes skips or avoids meals, some people obsessed with slim figures skip whole-day meals seen in many fashion models. This leads to a malnourished body, deficiency of essential nutrients, and extremely unhealthy and sometimes life-threatening conditions.

Bulimia nervosa, generally called bulimia, is a very serious, life-threatening eating disorder. People with bulimia may secretly binge — eating higher amounts of food with no control over the eating — and then purge, trying to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way.

To get rid of extra calories and restrict weight gain, people with bulimia may use various methods. For example, you may regularly self-induce vomiting or misuse laxatives, diuretics, or enemas after bingeing. weight-loss supplements Or you may use other ways to rid yourself of extra calories and prevent weight gain, such as excessive exercise, fasting, and strict dieting.

Social media and eating disorders

If individual you have bulimia, you’re probably distracted with your weight and body shape. You may judge yourself severely and harshly for your self-perceived faults

Every person has a concern about good body shape but when it interferes with your health then it becomes fatal for us.

We can use social media in positive way as influenced by good healthy diet habits, fit body exercises, and accepting ourselves as we are, every person is unique having individual personality and body structure, having unique genetics, firstly we have to accept ourself as we are and add good healthy habits in life for a healthy body, and enjoy full mind, and limit social media bad impact on ourselves, and surrounding. 

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