Which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?

which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?
which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?

Eating can be such an enjoyable experience but all that can be ruined as soon as we realize that some of the foods that we eat are not as healthy. As we’d like to think a lot of foods out there are being advertised as the healthiest foods on the market and yet despite those claims the information couldn’t be further from the truth. we will discuss briefly the topic “Which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?”

In today’s blog, we’ll be looking at some unhealthy health foods you might think you’re making a smart choice by eating these products but you’ll find out that you might be better off eating whatever you like because these healthy foods aren’t as healthy as they say they are.

Canned soup

Canned soup Which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?

Canned soup having soup for dinner sounds like a pretty healthy option doesn’t it that’s only if you make the soup from scratch. it doesn’t matter how they advertise them canned soups are not as healthy as they seem.

One can of soup can easily have 16 grams of sugar and a third of the amount of sodium that you’re supposed to have daily and there’s also a study that claims there’s a compound in canned soup that is linked to obesity and insulin resistance.

This means it can lead to diabetes and other health issues so if you plan on having canned soup daily you might as well just eat a couple of teaspoons full of sugar for dinner instead.

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea are also healthy beverages but if you take a look at some of the flavored coffees do you know the drive-throughs? You get your hand on that special seasonal version with the pumpkin or whatever.

You know a lot of those flavors as tasty as they may be, I even like them. You know they’re artificial. they’re artificially flavored and artificially sweetened and that also takes something that is healthy and makes it um frankly not just less healthy but unhealthy.

Salad dressings

Salad dressings

Salads are the preferred meal for many people who want to go on a diet but sometimes these diets can be compromised by the use of dressing on the salad. I know plain veggies are not tasty or enjoyable but you might want to consider what you put on those veggies before you start your meal otherwise your diet will be pointless.

You might cause more harm to your body in the long run some low-fat dressings compensate for the lack of fat by adding even more sugar salt and preservatives that sometimes make the dressing more unhealthy than the regular fatty ones. Perhaps a little bit of salt pepper lime and olive oil can add a bit of flavor to your salad without ruining your healthy goals. we are discussing “Which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?”

Processed Fruit juices

processed juices will tell you that the amount of natural fruits is very little compared to the high amount of added sugars

Fruit juices you always hear people telling us to eat our fruits and veggies and what can we do if we don’t want to eat them we can make juice out of them. Well, that is valid as long as you don’t add extra sugar to it, and not valid if you buy processed fruit juices from the supermarket.

If you’re a careful reader you’ll see that the nutrition facts label on these processed juices will tell you that the amount of natural fruits is very little compared to the high amount of added sugars and other preservatives. That makes the juice quite bad for your health and yet makes it so tasty.

If you want to have healthy juice just grab your favorite fruits and veggies throw them in a blender with some ice and water and then make your own juice out of it. it’s also even better if you have a juicing machine I’m sure that whatever you manage to do at home will be better than the healthy not so sugary juice that they sell in the stores.



Many people are desperate to find substitutes for any animal product that’s in the market that’s why many people have decided to use margarine instead of regular butter after all margarine is supposed to come from vegetables instead of animals. so that should make it healthier.

Margarine is worse than butter a single tablespoon has a lot of trans fat which can increase your risks of having heart disease and high levels of cholesterol.

There are many other oils and spreads that you can use instead of margarine and if you don’t find any you might as well just stick to butter but watch out for margarine because it’s not as healthy as you’d think it is.

Turkey Bacon

Turkey Bacon

 I’m sure by now that we’re all aware of how bad baking can be for us that’s why many people have decided to find other alternatives that are equally tasty but less risky.

One of these options is turkey bacon which has fewer calories than the regular pork bacon we’re all used to but is turkey bacon really that healthy? well to make up for the lack of flavor they have to add artificial colors, saturated fats, sodium, and even nitrates this may not sound too bad to you .

but this is a dangerous combination that could potentially lead to cancer so I’m not saying you should stop eating bacon all I’m saying is that you might want to measure your portions and be more mindful about the way you eat it.

Whole Wheat bread

Whole Wheat bread

A lot of people are scared of white bread these days but since most of us love bread the industry had to come up with options for us and that’s how whole wheat bread came into existence.

it’s supposed to be a healthier mix the fact that a lot of these brown loaves are full of fructose and molasses means that they have a lot of sugar.

if you want to avoid white bread and replace it with a healthier option look for sprouted bread that has a lot of added nutrients instead of tasty tasty sugars. we are discussing “Which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?”

Sports drinks

Sports drinks

Sports drinks are a great reward for all those athletes and hard-working people who constantly sweat as they burn their energy but you might want to stay away from these drinks.

if you’re not practicing any sport or doing any sort of physical work these drinks are high in sugar and equal levels of those found in sodas. so if you’re going to have a sports drink for no reason you might as well just have a soda and even if you’re an athlete you should watch out for these sports drinks it said that their artificial colors have the potential to cause cancer.

Just get a drink that’s high in minerals and electrolytes to compensate for everything you lose while you sweat but don’t rely blindly on colorful drinks that could ruin your health.

Agave Nectar

Agave Nectar

Many people are trying to cut sugar from their diet these days and that’s admirable. I’m sure there are plenty of reasons to do it but maybe agave nectar is not the alternative to sugar that you thought you needed.

This substitute is 90 fructose which can trigger obesity and insulin resistance and we all know what that means it means high sugar levels in your bloodstream which can cause all sorts of health issues including diabetes.

Gluten-free snacks

Gluten-free snacks

Many people these days are going gluten-free some of them make this choice because of health reasons such as celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Other people do it simply because they think they’re going to be healthier by removing gluten from their diet but you might want to watch out for gluten-free snacks removing gluten doesn’t get rid of the sugars found in regular snacks.

some gluten-free products have more sugar than the regular ones and the alternatives to wheat are sometimes more caloric and full of carbs for that reason eating gluten-free snacks could easily make you gain weight.

These products are also low in protein and fiber so you might want to have a regular snack unless your body is really intolerant to gluten. we are discussing “Which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?”

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils

Just because it has the word vegetable in it doesn’t mean it’s healthy but many people think that vegetable and seed oils such as canola oil grapeseed oil and many others are great for their health.

That’s because it’s been said that these oils can lower blood cholesterol levels but you have to remember that low cholesterol is not the only thing you want to strive for ultimately what we want is an overall healthy lifestyle.

Having these oils can help a bit, the excess consumption can lead to heart disease and memory impairment so if you really want to use these oils or any other type of oil make sure you stick to the recommended serving size your body will thank you for it.



There is frozen yogurt. yogurt-covered snacks and the old-school flavored yogurt that you can have for breakfast but it doesn’t matter how you put it. Yogurt can be as bad as whatever unhealthy food you’re trying to avoid.

Usually, yogurt comes with a lot of sugar some portions have as much sugar as the recommended daily amount which means that you’re taking all of your daily intake in just one go. when it comes to those little flavored yogurt cups those artificial flavors and colors can potentially cause cancer.

you might want to stick to plain or Greek yogurt instead but if you keep having the regular flavored yogurt you might as well replace it with ice cream they’re both unhealthy and lack the nutrients you need.

Dried fruit

Dried fruit

There’s a major difference between regular fruit and dried fruit and it has to do with yeah you guessed it it has to do with sugar. we all know that fruit is sweet but dried fruit is coated with added sugars and something called sulfites.

Which is necessary to preserve the dried fruit for a long time unfortunately sulfites are very common food allergens so having that along with a lot of extra sweeteners is probably not the best option for someone who wants to have a healthy sugar-free diet.

Cereals breakfast

Cereals breakfast

Cereal breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It’s so that you can get all the energy you need for the day from this one meal for that reason.

It’s very important to watch what we eat during this time of the day and believe it or not most breakfast cereals are not the best option. It doesn’t matter that they’re labeled with whole grain low fat or any other gland that’ll make you want to buy them.

These cereals usually have a lot of artificial ingredients and refined grains and sugars. That is hardly considered real food so you might want to reconsider your breakfast options the next time you’re in front of a bowl of fruity pebbles.

Veggie chips

Veggie chips

As I said just because it has the word veggie doesn’t mean it’s healthy for you. This applies to veggie chips just like potato chips. These practical snacks are not good for you, in the long run.

They’re deep fried and their flavor is usually enhanced with excess use of salt and other additives. Seriously these tiny portions of veggies don’t have as many nutrients as the raw veggies that your body needs.

so yeah go ahead and have some veggie chips if you really want but don’t go around thinking that you’re giving something healthy to your body have some broccoli some carrots some lettuce. we are discussing “Which of these foods that might sound healthy may not in fact be healthy?”

Granola bars

Granola bars

let’s start by saying that most of the time granola itself isn’t as healthy as they say. it is most of the granola that you get from the supermarket is made with butter vegetable oils white sugar and many other ingredients that compromise your health goals.

When it comes to granola bars they can be even less healthy as they add chocolate chips frosting and many other ingredients. That’ll give you energy but will also increase your sugar levels and do little for your health.


It’s crucial to read food labels and be mindful of portion sizes to make informed choices about your diet. Additionally, individual nutritional needs can vary, so what may be unhealthy for one person might be suitable for another in moderation.

i hope you learned something new today and I hope you’re more mindful about these products I’m sure you love many of the things I mentioned today.

I’m hoping for you to stop eating them were you surprised by any of these products? did I miss any other unhealthy healthy foods let us know in the comment section down below with all that.

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